Friday, August 19, 2011


I have hardly shot any skiing or snowboarding (at least, compared to a "normal" winter) this year...which is ironic considering this winter we experienced what experts were calling a "50 year storm" with super low temps and heavy snow. I guess I have just been too busy with other work.
However a couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Transworld Japan to shoot with Japanese ripper Keiji Okamoto so it was time to dust the skis off and get out on the snow!
After a couple of false starts due to other work commitments and bad weather we eventually caught up with each other at Snowpark late August.
It was one of those truly stunning "I've lived here for years but I still can't believe how beautiful it is" Southern Lakes winter days - blue skies, good snow and not a breath of wind.
It was such a fun day shooting in the park with Keiji - he is a really nice guy and super talented on a snowboard. Thanks to Snowpark for having an awesome park and helping me out with a media pass. Here are a couple of pix from the day to whet your appetites...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Alt skis

(Photo above: Simon Bergeron of Alt Skis waiting for the sunrise, pre-dawn, Remarkables).

(Photo above: Eric Bergeron side-country wind-lip surfing, near Coronet Peak Ski Area, Queenstown)

A few photos from a shoot I did earlier this month with Alt Skis. (Alt Skis are a small skier-owned company based in Quebec who make amazing and amazingly light all mountain, park and touring skis).
Ironically when we did this shoot there was bugger all snow and we had to work hard to get good shots - looking out my window now there is more snow than we know what to do with!
Anyway, hope you enjoy the photos.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Snow snow snow!!

(Above: Icicles and a curtain of snow overhanging my office window - my heater is definitely on this morning!)

(Above: Icicles in the first light of morning, taken out my kitchen window whilst making a cup of coffee).

Thsi morning the top of my office window is obscured by an overhanging curtain of snow and icicles. The view that I can still see out there is beautiful - everything is covered in about a foot of beautiful white snow and the early morning sun is turning everything a warm golden colour.
I feel for the farmers and everybody who has to work outside in these conditions but at the same time as someone who grew up without seasons to speak of I absolutely love it. Here are a few photos of the views I'm enjoying this morning...I hope you are all safe and warm wherever you are. (And drive safe if you're travelling).